About Us
"Join me in a world healed only by herbs with Wise Woman Werx."
—Sheron Buchele Rowland

Herbal skincare made by gardeners for gardeners — from our herb scented life to yours.

“We are here only because our ancestors were healed by herbs.”
—Sheron Buchele Rowland
Sheron Buchele Rowland lives life as a student of all things. Her first lessons in herbal healing were from her father’s mother. When widowed, she raised seven boys all alone, surviving the Depression. She healed her boys and a large herd of dairy cows using herbs and grit. Sheron learned more wisdom from her mother, a child of hardscrabble midwestern wheat farmers, there were only the herbs to heal the family and the farmworkers. The folk remedies were the first line and often only defense against illness.
Taking the generational teachings, Sheron reached back into study of early herbalists such as Dioscorides, Culpeper, and Hildegard of Bingen. Back to a time when a world was healed only by herbs and ritual. Learning from many different cultures and times, she verifies with modern studies for Commission E and current scientific research.
This blend of wisdom seems right and wise. From this synthesis she creates her products. First formulated in the 1980’s, the products have a faithful following from years of being sold from a table at many Farmers’ Markets and local craft shows.
Living in the mostly unyielding Foothills of the Rocky Mountains with her hard-fought herb and pottage garden, her dogs, and her husband—a revered metalsmith and teacher. They each work their own magic in a straw bale studio they built.
A lifelong educator, she shares the insights and skills developed through research and experimentation. Sheron has gardened and taught on three continents and has plans for several more. Her writings can be found in publications such as The Herb Companion and Mother Earth News. A book that is her love story to herbs and gardening will be published in 2024.